So who's idea was the 18 minute time domain?
I don't get it. What happened to the other 2 minutes? Why less and not more? Wait, is anybody sore?
12.3 was gross to say the least. Forget about trying to pace that one. I found that after doing it 2 times the only thing that would have really made a difference is holding on and trying to break away with 3 minutes to go. This WOD was all about the push presses. Although 115 is not that heavy, picking it up after the old heart rate is pounding and gearing up to do it unbroken is a daunting task. I basically went into every set with that mindset. The box jumps where slow and steady. No need to fly through those and even though I am pretty efficient they still elevate the old HR. So back to the PPs. Putting the bar down costs you 10-15 seconds every time. So with that in mind 12 reps at 115 start to get heavy. That's it. When it comes to these type of AMRAPs the big guns don't pace through it. They get ahead of the clock then settle into a gear they could hold for the rest of the time. The difference is that guys like Chase and Guido can hold on under those extreme stressful conditions. Speaking for myself I must say that after 15 minutes I was dying. Although I knew what to expect in that moment I just didn't have it to give. The thought of trying to push out a much needed 2 rounds to break 10 was not even realistic or desirable. I just couldn't do it. Since my injury I lost that ability to hold on for that long. Going to have to try and find it if I want to do well.
So What do we expect for this next one?
I guess its time for a deadlift. Still need to see pull-ups and muscle-ups and the all mighty eliminator, the overhead squat. Please Mr. Crossfit program guy dont forget to throw in the OHS!
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