Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4.6.12-Friggin Friday Bitches

Challah Back Biatches-Pull out your secret decoder if you want to see the workout. Give up? Show up and get after it.

 part 1:
Clean gauntlet - build to a max
(bar starts @ 135/95# - add 20# per set for male, 10# per set for female to a max)
weight changes every 40 sec
rest as needed

part 2:
for time:
5 clean and jerk - 205#/135#
10 muscle ups
4 clean and jerk - 205#/135#
8 muscle ups
3 clean and jerk - 205#/135#
6 muscle ups
2 clean and jerk - 205#/135#
4 muscle ups
1 clean and jerk - 205#/135#
2 muscle ups

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